Pastor Transition

Pastor Nominating Committee

An Update from your PNC

October 6, 2021

Message from your PNC:

To our wonderful staff and congregation, Thank You! Thank you for the honor of serving you, for your support and prayers throughout our process of discernment, and for the excitement, enthusiasm and positive energy that greeted the Lincicome family last weekend! We are so very grateful. Throughout this year, Pastor Sarah has been leading us to look to the future with anticipation, hope and joy, and that is exactly what we felt from all of you. 
In these coming days and months, please pray for Rev. Dr. Jeff Lincicome and his congregation. Eager as we are to begin this new journey, we must remember that Jeff is still pastoring his church and needs to be focused on his ministry there. Although he may reach out to us periodically, we must remain faithful to and respectful of the Presbyterian process by not contacting him or his church by any means. There will be lots of time for that after he begins his ministry here on January 3, 2022! Until then, let’s continue to rejoice, serve, love and grow together in joy. 
In gratitude, your PNC: Debbie Bellovich & Dan Grano (Co-Chairs), Don Ditmars, Chelsea Gilbert, Cynthia Ford, Michael Kopasz, Kathy Kurap, Peter Marks, and Martha Speer.  

Meet the PNC

Click on the photo of each PNC member to learn more about them

Mission Study Team Report

The Mission Study Team completed several studies relating to Grosse Pointe Memorial Church.  These studies included demographics of the church, the Grosse Pointes, and the surrounding community, a survey of community leaders, a survey of the GPMC congregation, and conversations with the GPMC congregation. 

With this report, our hope is to challenge and inspire the reader to be a part of God’s plan for Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. We wish to give special thanks to our program staff and to the many members of the church and our community who gave of their time and thought during interviews. We are also grateful to our families for giving us the space and time to do this work. Lastly, we want to recognize our larger family, the congregation, for joining us in prayer, study, and conversation. We are grateful to all of you.

It is with humility and gratitude to God that we present this report.  

History to Our Story Team Video Project