If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31-32
Adult education at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church is designed to nurture the spiritual growth of adults through a variety of opportunities to learn. In our baptism we are called to a life of service. To be fully equipped disciples, we need to be fed along the way, through worship and sacrament, through the fellowship within the body of Christ and through education that helps us to broaden and deepen our faith. At the core of our adult education program is Bible study. In addition, adults are invited to consider current topics through a faith prism, theology in literature and film, as well as studying important theological foundations of our Reformed tradition.
Adult Education at GPMC Isn’t Even Remotely Cancelled!
Adult Education groups which love to be together, such as many Bible study groups and also the Novel and Short Story groups, are in the process of instituting remote gatherings, via Zoom and and other technology. This is a very fluid situation, as you might imagine, so please check the calendar, the weekly bulletins and emails, and our Facebook posts to know if or how your group is meeting, or to learn what all of the adult education options are. If you have questions, or wish to join a group you haven’t been part of before, please contact Rev. Susan Mozena.