Programs for Children

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

As a congregation committed to uphold the promises made at baptism, we teach our children to live the love of Jesus Christ and to help them recognize the work of God in their lives and in the world.

Sunday Mornings

While our church building is closed during this pandemic, we are not offering Young Children and Worship, Sunday school or LOGOS for children and families.  We do encourage your family to participate in the Family Faith Playlists, downloadable lessons that can be down together as a family or by joining a small group.  Click on the “Families” tab to find the complete list of playlists to choose from.

Young Children and Worship

Young Children and Worship is a multi-sensory worship experience for children age 3 through 2nd grade.   During the 9 a.m. worship service, the children are excused after the children’s sermon (approximately 20 minutes into the service) to their own Worship center to experience God’s word through storytelling, prayer, art and music.

Sunday School

We have a wonderful team of dedicated, caring teachers committed to providing a strong church school program for the children, teaching them the fundamentals of Reformed faith and leading them on a life-long spiritual journey.

Sunday school is offered during the school year from 10 to 11 a.m. on the 3rd floor.  Room assignments are listed by grade in the Sunday bulletin and also on the bulletin boards located in the hallway on the 3rd floor.

Families are asked to register their child for any of the programs at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church.  These forms can be downloaded HERE.

Mid-Week Ministries


LOGOS is our Tuesday, midweek after-school program for children and their families.  Every Tuesday during the school year from 4:00 until 6:30 p.m. the children are engaged in recreation, bible study, worship skills and dinner.  It is a time of fellowship and fun while nurturing a faith relationship with Jesus Christ.

Frolic Families

Frolic Families is all about bringing parents and children together in fellowship, friendship, and support with the common experience of raising children in Christian faith and love.  Throughout the year, special events are planned for families of preschool and early elementary age children.  The children have an opportunity to develop friendships with their peers and begin to acquire a sense of “family” within the church.

For more information on any of our programs for children, please contact Lisa Turner.