Two Foundations Playlist

The Parable of the Two Foundations
“The wise man (all people) built his house upon the rock…” may be a song that you sing or sang in Sunday School or Vacation Bible School or summer camp. It comes from a parable that Jesus told his followers about listening to and putting into practice what he has been teaching. We can also use this story to talk about making wise or foolish choices.

Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.

Bible Story
Read the story of The Wise and Foolish Builder, Matthew 7: 24-27 in your favorite Bible.

Wonder/Discussion Questions

For children

  • I wonder if you can remember a storm with lots of rain and wind.
  • I wonder what happens to a house when it is built on the sand when rains and winds come.
  • I wonder what happens to a house built on rock (or a strong foundation) when rains and wind come.
  • I wonder if you can think if a time when you listened to a wise friend or adult.
  • I wonder if you can think of a time when you did not listen to a wise friend or adult.
  • I wonder how you listen to Jesus’ teachings.

For Youth and Adults

  • In this parable, what does Jesus say that makes us wise?
  • Why was the foolish man wrong to build his house on the sand?
  • What does the house represent?
  • What does the storm represent?
  • How can this parable help you through “storms” in your life?


Dear God, thank you for Jesus’ parables to teach us about making good choices. Help us remember what Jesus said about the builder of the house on the sand and rock. Help us to make good choices. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Block House
Use blocks to try to build a house of your own. Start with two blocks on the bottom and see how tall your house can be. Add more blocks to the bottom each time you build. Do more blocks at the base to help you build the house taller? Why? Would sand be a good foundation for a building or block tower? Why or why not?




This House, Once by Deborah Fredmann

Most People by Micheal Leannah

Building strong foundations in our communities means understanding that most people care about one another and also want to have a strong community. After you read/watch the book, discuss these talking points: How have you seen people being kind in your community? When people are not kind, how can you and your family respond? (You may want to tie this in with understanding race, racism and anti-racism.)

