Even in the “old normal” patience was hard. Now we are living in the same space, with our families 24/7, and life is anything but “normal.” When the regular routine and schedules change, it can be challenging to be patient with one another. This playlist highlights Joseph from the book of Genesis in the Hebrew Testament and his story of patience. Patience is also one of the Fruit of the Spirit. Read more about that in Galatians!
Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick the activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.
Bible Story
Read the story of Joseph, Genesis 37-45 in your favorite Bible or from the International Children’s Bible,
This is a great opportunity to talk about the many emotions that we might be experiencing right now. Fear of the unknown with the pandemic, school, jobs, missing friends, etc.
Wonder/Discussion Questions
For Children
For Youth/Adults
Dear God, thank you for our Bible and the stories that teach us and comfort us. We know that we are not always very patience with ourselves and one another. Help us show more patience. Thank you for the people who are caring for our needs and keeping us safe. We are thankful for and pray for (add an prayer requests and joys here). Amen.
Learning patience through watching nature – Taking a few moments to sit and watch nature can be a lesson in patience. Noticing the smells and sounds and beauty of God’s creation can be a relaxing and calming form of mediation.
Games that Teach Patience
Hide and Seek – Old-fashioned hide and seek is an excellent game that helps kids learn to be patient. Kids who are “hiding” will have to show patience as they wait to be found and kids who are “seeking” have to show patience in order to count to 20 or 50 and then find each player.
Concentration – Play a basic concentration (or memory) game with the kids. Lay a deck of cards face down and challenge them to turn over one card at a time to find a matching card. It takes a fair amount of patience to play the game all the way to the end!
Three Bears in a Boat by David Soman
Stories from the Bible: Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors by Kathryn Smith