Caring for the Earth
Earth Day is April 22nd and a wonderful opportunity for us to give thanks to God for creation and take our responsibility as creation caretakers seriously. This playlist includes the Creation Bible Story and activities that focus on caring for our earth not just on April 22nd, but everyday!
Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.
Bible Story
Read the story of Creation in your favorite Bible or Genesis 1: 1-2:4 from the International Children’s Bible.
Wonder/Discussion Questions
For Children
• I wonder what your favorite part of creation is.
• I wonder what ways you can think of to care for the earth and creation.
• I wonder how we can work together to take care of the earth.
For Youth/Adults
• What is your favorite part of the creation story? Why?
• What does the creation story reveal about God?
• What are some ways we have dishonored or destroyed God’s creation?
• What is one thing you want to do or start this week to honor God and his creation?
Dear God, thank you for our beautiful world. For the plants that are beautiful and provide food. For the fluttering butterflies and pesky mosquitoes! For all the animals. And thank you for creating humans to love for one another and care for our world. Help us to make choices to take good care of our earth and all creation. Amen.
5 Simple Earth Day Activities –
28 Ways Your Family Can Protect the Earth
Rachel, The Story of Rachel Carson by Amy Ehrlich
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss is a great book about caring for the world. Read the book or watch the video and talk with your family or group about what happens when we use too much of one resource and the consequences. Talk about what we can do to be conscientious of creation care.