The Second Sunday of Advent
John, son of Zechariah, known to many of us as “John the Baptist” was Jesus’ cousin. During the Advent season, we often teach about him because he prepared people to be ready for Jesus and his ministry. In today’s Luke passage, John quotes the book of Isaiah because he knows that his audience would recognize that familiar passage. John believed that Jesus was the one that would help the world become again what God intended it to be. He urged those around him to be ready for God’s work through Jesus. During this season of Advent, we are invited to prepare ourselves to be ready for Jesus’ work in the world.
Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick the activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.
Bible Story – Isaiah 40: 1=5 from the Children’s International Bible – Luke 3: 2b-6 from the Children’s International Bible
Wonder/Discussion Questions
For Children/Youth/Adults
What are some of your family traditions during Advent? What are some things you enjoy doing when you gather with relatives that you do not see very often?
John the Baptist said, “Prepare the way of the Lord!” What does the way of the Lord mean to you? What are things that you do that are following the way of the Lord?
This is the week in Advent that we focus on PEACE. Today it seems as though there are not a lot of peaceful things happening in the world. What are ways that we can make peace?
God of Comfort and Peace, we come to you this Advent season with questions. Why is there sadness? Why do scary things happen? Why are people mean to each other? We know we can come to you with questions. That you hold the sadness and pain close to you. Thank you dear Lord, for being a God of comfort. Help us to bring comfort to your people. Help us to make signs of peace. Teach us to be peacemakers every day. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Countdown to Christmas Advent Wreath Coloring Page – Color one section of the page each day beginning with number one. Advent Wreath Coloring Page
Peace Coloring Page Peace Coloring Page
Signs of Peace, God calls us to be Peacemakers – Come up with ways to offer signs of peace to someone you know. It could be writing a letter to someone letting them know how much they mean to you. Draw a picture and give it to someone you love.