Hope – The First Sunday of Advent Playlist

The First Sunday of Advent

As we begin to prepare our mind and hearts for Christ’s birth, we do begin in the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible.  We begin in the book of Isaiah because we learn that the people of Israel were waiting for many years.  They were experiencing difficult things: hunger, unfair rules, pain and suffering.  Have you ever had a time when you had to wait?  Not for just a few seconds or minutes, but days, weeks or years?  What were you waiting for?  It can be very difficult.

Therefore we have these words in Isaiah.  During Advent they remind us that we are waiting.  But we are waiting in HOPE.  The one we are waiting for is someone great!  The one who is mighty, everlasting, wonderful; the one who will bring us peace.

Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick the activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.

Bible Story


Isaiah 9: 2-6 from the International Children’s Bible


Wonder/Discussion Questions

For Children/Youth/Adults

Today’s scripture from the book of Isaiah talks about people walking in darkness.  Talk about a time when it was really dark.  Maybe it was during a storm and the power went out in your house.  How did you feel in a very dark room with no light?  How did it feel when you were able to light a candle or turn on a flashlight?

Has someone in your family or a friends family had a baby or was about to?  What are some things you do to prepare for the baby?  What are some ways we can prepare for the birth of Jesus?


Dear God, thank you for inviting us to this time of waiting.  Help us to open our eyes so we can see your light.  Open our ears so we can hear your words of hope.  Open our minds so we can understand you and open our hearts so we can receive your love.  Come, long expected Jesus, we are waiting for you! Amen.


Countdown to Christmas Advent Wreath Coloring Page – Color one section of the page each day beginning with number one. Advent Wreath Coloring Page

Hope Coloring PageHope Coloring Page

Sticky Hopes – Write or draw pictures on sticky notes of things you are hopeful for in your life and in the world.  Place the sticky notes by light switches in your house.  As you turn on and turn off the lights, say a prayer about the things you hope for on the notes.

