FROM THE PASTOR (April, 2021)

Dear Members and Friends of GPMC,

Special “thank yous” to all who made this past Lenten season, Holy Week, and Easter, meaningful, reflective and joyous times! The series on the Sabbath for worship and Middle Hour and retreat, the children’s Easter Egg hunts, Palm Sunday, the beautiful Good Friday service of Tenebrae by our music ministry, and the celebratory Easter services: all of these contributed to the renewal of hope and love and life. This congregation is blessed by its members, volunteers, leaders, and staff! Thanks to all!

Please be aware of these upcoming events!

  • In-person worship on Trinity Terrace will take place each Sunday at 10:30am. Please register for attendance (limited to 70 people). The 9am recorded service will continue to be offered each Sunday online.
  • GPMC’s children are presenting a musical for worship on April 25. It will be recorded and broadcast through our YouTube channel (you can find it on our website, Don’t miss this wonderful presentation and leadership of worship by our kids!
  • May 1, the Rev. Sarah Godbehere will assume the interim head of staff position as I conclude my 18 months at GPMC on April 30. It has been a privilege to walk with you during this interim period, and I am confident that fruitful and exciting times of ministry will continue in the months and years ahead! Mary and I will continue to hold you in our affection and prayers as this great congregation enters the next chapters of your ministry and life!

Grace and peace,



The GPMC Virtual Choir, with brass quintet, timpani and organ, sings James Biery’s “God of Majesty and Glory.”

Upcoming Events

Worship Schedule

Children’s message is at 9am streaming service.

Worship with Grosse Pointe Memorial Church

  In-person worship services will be held each Sunday morning at 10:30am on Trinity Terrace.  Registration is recommended, as there is...
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Harvesting What Grows in Time Retreat

Videos from our 2021 Lenten retreat are now available through this post. Thank you to everyone who was able to join...
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