Capella Quirina Neuss, Oct. 2

GPMC is excited to announce a return visit by the acclaimed German chamber choir Capella Quirina Neuss on Sunday, October 2. This wonderful group of twenty singers comes from Neuss, Germany, and last sang for us in 2018. They will be in Grosse Pointe on Sunday, October 2, singing with the GPMC choir at the morning worship services and presenting a special free concert in our sanctuary at 3:00 that afternoon. The 9 and 11 services that Sunday (World Communion Sunday) are going to feature the Haydn St. Nicholas Mass with chamber orchestra.

If you are interested in providing accommodations in your home for one or two of our German friends on the weekend of October 1 and 2, please contact Donna Hartzell at the church office at 313.882.5330. Don’t worry, many of the singers speak very good English!

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