Colors and Cultures
God made us to be diverse, from our skin color to the expressions of our cultures and families. Kids as young as four and five begin to notice racial and cultural diversity. They see differences among people and start having ideas about what those differences mean. The sooner we can note difference, celebrate it, and name God’s goodness in our difference, the sooner children will start building their foundation of seeing the image of God in all kinds of people.
Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick the activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.
Bible Story
Read the story about the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9 in your favorite Bible or watch the story video below.
Wonder/Discussion Questions
For children
For Youth and Adults
Dear God, you made us with many beautiful differences. Thank you for our culture, and for all the things we learn from people who come from different cultures. Help us praise you through our diversity. Build us up and unite us in love so that we can do your work in the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Culture Collage: A culture is the habit, beliefs, and traditions of a particular group of people. This might include the language they speak, the style of art they make, the clothing they wear, or the food they eat. Brainstorm as many different forms of cultural expression as possible. Pick 3 categories of cultural expression. Using art supplies or magazine images, make a collage about your own culture.
Equality Covenant: God takes delight in our diversity. It is a gift that we have different colors and cultures, and we should celebrate them equally. Unfortunately, we live in a world that doesn’t always treat people of different colors and cultures the same way, and sometimes people are treated unfairly. Brainstorm ways that your family or community can make a difference. Make an equality covenant that says how your family or community will treat people who have different colors or cultures.
Many Colors Friendship Bracelet: Use different colors of yarn, thread, or embroidery floss to make a bracelet as a symbol of God’s love for people who have many different colors and cultures, and the way that God weaves us together our difference to make us beautiful and strong.
God’s Dream by Archbishop Desmond Tutu & Douglas Carlton Abrams
The Youngest Marcher by Cynthia Levinson
Other Resources
There is much racial unrest right now. If you have not had a conversation with your children about race and racism or you just aren’t sure where to start, check out some of these resources.
This playlist is adapted from Deep Blue Life Anti-Racism lessons.