Hope Playlist


 Hope in God

What is hope anyway? Hope is the expectation and desire that something specific will happen. As a follower of Jesus, hope is part of our faith in God. We have hope because of the life, ministry, and resurrection of Jesus. We have hope because of the community of believers that we see around us. Especially during times of uncertainty our hope in God gives us something to hold fast to.

Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick the activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.

Bible Story

Read the story where Jesus Calms the Storm, Mark 4: 35-41 in your favorite Bible.

This story about Jesus Calming the waves and winds is about fear, trust, hope, and faith. Consider this story from the perspective of the disciples in a place of fear and hope that Jesus would care for them.

Wonder/Discussion Questions

            For Children

  • I wonder what part of the story you liked best.
  • I wonder what it would have been like to be in such a great storm.
  • I wonder how Jesus was able to sleep during the storm.
  • I wonder how the disciples felt before the woke up Jesus.
  • I wonder how they felt after Jesus calmed the storm.

          For Youth/Adults

  • Jesus silenced the wind and waves when his disciples were fearful for their lives. Jesus may not silence the things we are fearful about (and we have may real fears), but there are ways that we can bring hope into our world. Talk about some of the ways you can bring hope. Choose one that you can do today.


Dear God, thank you for all the ways that we can find hope in our world. We pray for those we care about who are sick, alone or in need of your love. (Add those who you want to pray for like healthcare workers, public service workers, people who aren’t working, and others.) Help us care for one another, share hope with one another, and trust in you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.




Kids Minisry Game Jesus Calms the Storm (Peace)

Find Hope! – Draw pictures or cut out photos from magazines (or print from the internet) of things that remind you of hope and create a collage.

Hope for Others! – Paint stones or use sidewalk chalk to write or draw pictures with messages of hope that can be placed outside for others to find.

Write 1Peter5:7 on the mirror in your bathroom (or another place that may work).  Read it every time your look into the mirror or walk by.






