GPMC’s Hunger Offering recipient this month is The Second Mile Center of Detroit.
The Second Mile Center of Detroit, a 501(c)(3) non–profit organization located in the 9th precinct of the Eastside of Detroit, was founded in 2006 by Ruth Azar following God’s call. The Presbyterian Women in Detroit were the first to support and embrace the vision and still are actively involved. The center provides services and develops partnerships to empower and strengthen families through charitable and educational means without discrimination based on race, color, national or ethnic origin. Services include: free after school programs, free summer day camp, free clothing, pantry goods and baby needs, teaching hope, faith and love since 2007, no cost mobile health fair, free computer lab, field trips, mission and/or learning opportunities, job placement opportunities, one–on–one time.
Use the blue pew envelopes, give through the secure donation form, or send a check to the church this month noting “Second Mile Center” or “Hunger Offering” on the memo line. The Outreach Council will match congregation donations made this month up to $2,000.
Thank you for your support of GPMC’s Hunger Ministries.