GPMC’s Hunger Offering recipient this month is GPMC’s long-time partner Kids Coalition Against Hunger (KCAH).
We hope you will contribute your time when we host another packing day on Saturday, March 15 as well as your financial support to the Hunger Offering for this organization known for providing fully nutritious food to impoverished children and families around the world … and around the corner.
Every dollar donated toward our February Hunger Offering will be matched by the Outreach Council up to $2,000 to support our Kids Coalition Against Hunger meal packing day on Saturday, March 15. Please give generously of your funds and time.
Use the blue pew envelopes, give through the secure donation form, or send a check to the church this month noting “KCAH” or “Hunger Offering” on the memo line. The Outreach Council will match congregation donations made this month up to $2,000.
Thank you for your support of GPMC’s Hunger Ministries.