The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Joseph and Mary were expecting a baby. They were expecting to travel, as everyone was required to travel. They were expecting to arrive in Bethlehem before Mary had Jesus. What was unexpected was having no place to stay, having a baby amongst the animals, and placing their precious one in a feeding trough for safe keeping.
Jesus comes to us today in expected and unexpected ways. We expect the beautiful Christmas tree, singing our favorite hymns (online this year!) and the familiar passage told from the gospel of Luke. But Jesus meets us in unexpected ways. Through helping our neighbor who is hungry. Comforting someone who is experiencing difficult situations. And remembering to pay attention to those who may get left out. Come, Lord Jesus, we are ready to meet you.
Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick the activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.
Bible Story – Luke 2: 1-7 from the Children’s International Bible
Wonder/Discussion Questions
For Children/Youth/Adults
What are some of your family Christmas Eve traditions? Share one of your favorites.
Imagine you were on a long trip and when you got to your destination there was no place to stay. How do you think you would feel? What would be something you would do?
What are ways that you can expect Jesus each day? How can you learn to see Jesus in your daily lives?
Heavenly Father, as we see familiar sights and sounds of the season, as we sing familiar hymns and listen to the retelling of the glorious story of your birth, we remember that you entered the world in unexpected surroundings at an unexpected time. Help us to expect you in the unexpected, and to love the world as you do. Amen.
Countdown to Christmas Advent Wreath Coloring Page – Color one section of the page each day beginning with number one. Advent Wreath Coloring Page
Love Coloring Page – Love Coloring Page
Mouse’s Christmas Gift, by Mindy Baker
A Glorious Christmas Show, by Dandi Daley Mackall