Forgotten Harvest will receive our Hunger Offering for May. For 30 years, Forgotten Harvest has rescued good food that might otherwise go to waste; now gathering from over 800 locations. In 2020, this amounted to 45 million pounds of food rescued and re-distributed to over 750,000 people. They also bring a truck to St. John’s Presbyterian Church each month where GPMC members and friends help feed the hungry. Please give generously. The Outreach Council will match donations made to Forgotten Harvest this month up to $2,000.
To donate, click here for the GPMC Donation Form, choosing GPMC Hunger Offering as the Donation Recipient.
Or, send a check to the church this month noting “Forgotten Harvest” or “Hunger Offering” on the memo line.
More info about Forgotten Harvest.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Forgotten Harvest has started new programs that:
- Distributed 480,000 supplemental youth meals and
- Packed 2400 emergency food boxes daily
In addition, they:
- Added 17 mobile food pantries to the 65 in operation and
- Grew 835,000 pounds of fresh food on their 95 acre farm.
- 15,000 individual and corporate volunteers contributing 54,000 volunteer hours a year,
- Send 95% of every dollar donated toward feeding the community.
- Are building a new distribution facility in Oak Park to improve delivering the Right Food to the Right Place in the Right Quantity at the Right Time.
To learn even more about Forgotten Harvest, their contribution to SE Michigan, and some ambitious goals, click here for their website.
The Outreach Council will match your donations up to $2,000. Thank you for your support of our Hunger Ministries.