Naomi and Ruth Playlist

The Story of Chosen Family
Children look for love and caring in many places: home, school, church, extended family. Caring adults are an important staple in their lives and relationships. As their lives expand beyond families, they learn how to care for and support others, including their peers. Sadly, not all children live in stable family configurations. For them, the church may provide a steadfast love. Through the story of Naomi and Ruth, we can learn how to strengthen relationships, within and without the family.

Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick the activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.

Bible Story
Read Ruth 1: 1-18 from your favorite Bible.

Wonder/Discussion Questions

For children

  • I wonder how Naomi and Ruth felt about having to leave their home?
  • I wonder how why Ruth wanted to stay with Naomi and not go back to her mother’s house?
  • Ruth loved Naomi very much and wanted to stay and take care of her. I wonder what things we could do to help someone that we love?

For Youth and Adults

  • How would you describe Naomi’s faith throughout her many trials and tribulations?
  • Naomi decides to stay with Ruth and move to a place where she has never been before. What do you think motivates her to make this sacrifice?
  • When you face tough times, who do you turn to?
  • How can your faith help you through tough times?


Dear God, thank you for the faithfulness of Ruth and for the example of how to support and love our family. Help us to be faithful not only to you, but also to our family and friends. Grant us the courage to help all who are in need, being an example of your love in what we say and do. Amen.


Family Mementos
Walk around your house with a camera. Take pictures of things that mean “family” to you. The things may include a special picture on the wall or a board game you play as a family. Don’t forget to take pictures of people! Print them out and make a “Family” poster.

Coloring Page

Prayers for Caregivers



Before Morning by Joyce Sidman


Tea with Milk by Allen Say