Nomination Form

Nominations for Boards & Councils

The Nominating Committee of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church needs your help!   We are looking for people who fit the following description in order to serve on our boards and councils. According to our Presbyterian constitution, Presbyterian leaders are people who:

  • Take part in the common life and worship of GPMC;
  • Demonstrate a new quality of life within and through the church, responding to God’s grace with service to others;
  • Live responsibly in the personal, family, and social relationships of life;
  • Work in the world for peace, justice, and human fulfillment;
  • Support the work of the church by giving money, time, and talents.

Officers on Governing Boards

Elders: The primary governing council of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church is the Session, which consists of the pastor, associate pastors, and ruling elders in active service. Together, they are responsible for the overall leadership, guidance and governance of the church. In addition to serving on the Session, being an elder also means serving on one of the other councils or committees of the church.

Deacons: The Board of Deacons initiates programs of care and extends existing ministries to the people and to the community. Responsibilities include delivering flowers to home-bound church members and serving as a greeter on Sunday mornings.

Trustees: The function of the Board of Trustees is to oversee the maintenance and repairs of the physical plant; to make recommendations to the Session regarding financial matters; and to oversee the investments and designated funds of the church.

Councils and Committees

Christian Education is responsible for all areas of Christian education for members of the congregation – infants, toddlers, children, youth, and adults.  Christian Education members help implement new programs and support other members with existing endeavors.

Nominating is responsible for recommending GPMC members for service on all of the boards, councils and committees of GPMC.

Outreach stewards our outreach resources, including time, talent and treasure, in support of Christ’s ministry for the poor and dispossessed.  The council distributes money and leads hands-on ministries.

Parish Life coordinates fellowship activities for the congregation such as the Fall Brunch, the Seniors Lunch, and care packages for college students.

Personnel serves as the Session’s employment oversight authority, acting as a resource for the Pastor/Head of Staff and other members of the church staff as needed.

Stewardship provides leadership for meeting the financial needs of GPMC,  including the annual stewardship campaign and ongoing education about other ways to financially support our ministries.

Worship oversees and supports the centerpiece of our church’s mission: Sunday worship. Responsibilities range from coordinating communion to planning special worship days and seasons.


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