October Hunger Offering

Cass Community Social Services, a Detroit-based agency with a person-centered philosophy, dedicated to providing food, housing, health services, and job programs, will benefit from our hunger offering this month.

Because GPMC’s All-Church Shelter Week is not being held at GPMC this winter, Cass could use our support as they add these guests to their on-site program. 150 people need to be fed  every day. GPMC members will be asked to help with donated food (see separate post on All Church Shelter Week food donations), but if you can support them through our hunger offering, it  would be appreciated.

GPMC will match congregation donations made this month up to $2,000. Make your donation by going on line

at gpmchurch.org

(find the Hunger Offering choice) or by mailing a check to the church with CCSS noted on the memo line. Thank you for your support.


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