Outreach Links

At Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, we take seriously God’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our upcoming hands-on ministries can be seen on our Outreach page. All year our members nurture and work with local, national and international partnerships. Some of our members volunteer directly with our partners, others will regularly participate in one of our planned event days.

Where do you want to serve? What is the best fit for your interests/skills/talents? Are you a cook? A builder? A tutor? A doctor or nurse? A planner? An implementer? Somewhere, soon, locally or further afield, you could be helping another child of God.

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” Edmund Everett Hale

Here is where you can learn more about our partners in mission. Call or email Julie Huellmantel if you would like more information about them – she may know someone who is looking for a volunteer with just your abilities.