Throughout the years, many church members and friends have provided funds at their death to ensure the long-term financial viability of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. Whether a legacy gift is large or small, each gift impacts the vitality of our church and its programs and projects.
Ministries supported by planned giving include:
Simple Ways to support Grosse Pointe Memorial Church include:
Additional Gift Planning Ideas are:
Planned Giving is a way to insure that there is life beyond death, that our resources can be signs of Resurrection-life.
If you have decided to include the church in your planned giving, we invite you to become a member of the Newberry Legacy… A planned giving program at GPMC.
The Society has been established to recognize members and friends of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church who have included the church in their financial or estate plans.
You may join the Newberry Legacy… a planned giving program, by naming Grosse Pointe Memorial Church:
Whether you join The Society or wish to remain anonymous, your future gift will help ensure that Grosse Pointe Memorial Church will continue to provide “a light by the lakeshore” and a witness to God’s love for our world.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of a planned gift benefiting Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, its members and programs while enriching the lives of people throughout the world.