2025 Pledge Form

Secure 2025 Pledge Form

Paying Your Pledge There are several ways to pay your pledge. Some members make weekly contributions, some send in monthly checks, and still others use some of the means listed below. We do not expect payments until next year. If you do not choose any of the methods below, you simply make your contributions as you can, when you are able. We will send you quarterly reminders of your giving year-to-date.

Payment Method

You can make regular monthly payments with your credit card. Indicate your interest in this option and the church office will contact you for the necessary information.
Electronic Funds Transfer is easier for you and better for the church because of its regularity. It's free, safe, and easy. You can always stop or adjust it during the year by contacting the church office. The Stewardship Council urges you to consider this option, even if you choose to give just a portion of your pledge via electronic funds transfer.

Stock Transfer is also a possibility at GPMC. If you would prefer this option, please contact our business office at the time of the transfer and they will assist you.

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