Samuel Anoints David Playlist

The Youngest Son is Anointed as King
To select the worst hitter first for a game of ball wouldn’t make sense to most children, not if you really want to win. By the same token, selecting the youngest child as your partner in a board game of skill also is unlikely, if you have a choice. However, that unexpected triumph of the smaller child, the younger child, or the child with fewer skills is what makes a good story. When God chooses the youngest son or the least powerful person, we find hope too.

Start by reading the Bible Story or watching the video and going through the wondering/discussion questions. Then pick the activities your family or small group would like to do, as many or few as you like. Close your time with prayer – use your own or the one provided.

Bible Story
Read 1 Samuel 16: 1-13 from your favorite Bible.

Wonder/Discussion Questions

For children

  • I wonder what you liked best about this story?
  • I wonder who Samuel thought would be made king?
  • I wonder how David felt after he was told that he would be made a king and not his older brothers?
  • I wonder what some things we can do to serve God?

For Youth and Adults

  • Why did Samuel think that one of David’s older brothers would be chosen as king?
  • Do you think most people see children as someone God can use? Why or why not?
  • Why does God value the heart more than the outside of a person?
  •  Is this true in today’s culture? Can you give an example?
  • People who love God think others are important. It doesn’t matter if they are big or small, everyone is important to God. And people who love God respect each other. How can you show respect to others?


Heavenly Father, thank you for showing us what is most important to you. Remind us to look for the potential, the gifts you have given each person. And give us willing hearts so that you can use us to share your light with others. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Ways I Can Serve Activity
Have everyone fill out the activity sheet. Talk together about how they can use their gifts and talents in ways that God might be calling them.

Bible Memory Verse with Actions

Coloring Page

Word Search


The Hungry Coat by Demi


A Small Surprise by Louise Yates



How To Train Your Dragon, Dinner with a Dragon Scene – Hiccup is a young Viking, son of the great chief, and is a disappointing prospect for future leader. He is not BIG and does not like to FIGHT. But, when he tames the dragon that is terrorizing the village and teaches the other Vikings how to tame dragons, people see him as a leader in a whole new and appreciated way.