Family Fun Scavenger Hunt/Road Rally and Food Drive
Saturday, November 14th
3 to 5 PM
The Christian Education Council is hosting a Scavenger Hunt/Road Rally and Food Drive on Saturday, November 14th from 3 to 5 p.m. The fun begins in the church parking lot where participants will receive a packet of clues to be decoded that lead to certain destinations in the Grosse Pointes. Some of the clues will include gathering nonperishable food donations that will support the “Unpack the Truck” food delivery at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Detroit later in the month.
A prize will be awarded to the first vehicle that answers all the clues correctly!
All ages are welcome to participate. Please know that we will not assign individuals to fill cars. Each car will participate with those who arrive together.
Please register by November 11th using the link below or call the Christian Education offices at 313-882-5330, ext. 135.