Holy Week at GPMC

Palm Sunday: April 13

9* & 11 am – Worship Service in the Sanctuary


The Lenten Journey: April 13

Join us for an afternoon of journeying through Lent and Holy Week in a way designed with children and young families in mind on Palm Sunday, April 13 from 3 – 4:30 pm. RSVP through the church website, stop by the front desk, or call 313.882.5330.


Labyrinth: April 14 – 19

During Holy Week, our members and friends are invited to pray while walking the Labyrinth’s twisting path. You are welcome to use it whenever the building is open. The labyrinth is a tool for walking meditation. It has one path that leads from the outer edge in a circuitous way to the center. There are no tricks to it and no dead ends. We hope that walking the labyrinth helps you find your way to God on the path of discipleship.


Maundy Thursday: April 17

7 pm in Fellowship Hall – A Simple Supper & Scripture

Just as Jesus and his disciples joined together for a meal in the upper room, you are invited to join the GPMC family for a simple meal and interactive experience of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday, April 17 at 7 pm. During the evening, we will eat, sing, hear the Lord’s Supper story, and celebrate Communion. Open to all, dinner is provided. RSVP here, stop by the front desk, or call 313.882.5330.


Good Friday: April 18

7:30* pm – Worship Service

Join us for Grosse Pointe Memorial Church’s Good Friday Tenebrae service which will feature an array of meditative music that points to the passion of Christ. This year’s Tenebrae service includes American composer, Michael John Trotta’s Seven Last Word’s of Christ which was premiered in Carnegie Hall in 2017. About this work Trotter writes, “Haunting in their The Seven Last Words simplicity, they expose a gamut of emotions, experienced during the Passion, in a way that distills the most poignant moment of the human condition…This setting uses various interpolations of biblical and liturgical texts, as commentary on and in dialogue with the words of Christ, further expanding the story and the reaction of those present and witness to the Passion.” The work has been praised with its contemporary style while maintaining the integrity of complex compositional techniques.


Easter Sunday: April 20

6:45 am – Sunrise Service on the lakeside lawn at The War Memorial (accessible by the driveway that runs parallel to Trinity Terrace)

9* & 11 am – Worship Service in the Sanctuary


*Livestream available

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