July 14 Carillon Recital: Annette Wright

The recitalist for the second of GPMC’s 2020 Summer Carillon Series is Annette Wright (filling in for George Matthew). Annette is carillonist at St. Mary of Redford Catholic Church in Detroit, Michigan. The recital is Tuesday, July 14, at 6:30 pm. Come park near the church and listen from your car!

Here is Annette’s program:

Three pieces by John Gouwens: I. Polonaise, II. Art Song, III. Pedal Aria

Second Prelude, from Three Preludes for Carillon, by Theophil Rusterholz

Meditation on Veni Creator Spiritus, by John Knox (b. 1953)

Shall We Gather at the River, by Gijsbert Kok (composed August 2019 for Annette Wright)

Adoro te devote, by Roy Hamlin Johnson (1986)

Celebration on “O Sanctissima”, by Scott R. Hummel (commissioned by Annette R. Wright and composed 2019)

Toccata per Organo 3, by Francisco Xavier Baptista (ca. 1730-1787), arranged R.D. Kroezen

Precious Lord , by George N. Allen (1812-1877), arranged by Lee Cobb

Lift Every Voice and Sing, by James W. Johnson & J. Rosemond Johnson, arranged for carillon by Joey Brink, commissioned by Carol Jickling Lens

We Shall Overcome,  Traditional

For All the Saints, by R. Vaughan Williams (1906), arranged by Beverly Buchanen

Click here for the complete program, program notes, and information about the carillon:

July 14 Carillon Program

We plan to provide a livestream so that you can watch the performer on your smartphone. You may be able to connect with the church wifi from your car. It is “gpmchurch” and the password is “bibles@gpmchurch”

Here is the link to the livestream:

If the link does not work, try connecting to our YouTube channel:




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