The Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS) will receive our Hunger Offering in June.
They are one of the largest providers of housing to homeless families in the City of Detroit — sheltering more than 100 homeless children nightly. COTS provides emergency shelter for families, supportive services, mobility coaching through their Passport to Self-Sufficiency™, childcare, long-term housing and safe transitional housing for families.
Please give generously. The Outreach Council will match donations made to COTS this month up to $2,000.
To donate, click here for the GPMC Donation Form, choosing GPMC Hunger Offering as the Donation Recipient.
Or, send a check to the church this month noting “Forgotten Harvest” or “Hunger Offering” on the memo line.
To learn even more about COTS, their contribution to SE Michigan and what your support makes possible, click here for their website.
The Outreach Council will match your donations up to $2,000. Thank you for your support of our Hunger Ministries.