Peace and Justice Forum

Micah 6:8 reminds us, “What is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” As we look at the brokenness of the world, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and unaware of what is happening or how to help. Recognizing that huddle, we are excited to begin a monthly Peace and Justice Forum with leaders in various service arenas coming to share what they know about pressing issues of our day. We will have a potluck dinner and presentation beginning at 5 pm on the following Sundays: February 16, March 16, April 27, and May 18.

Peace & Justice Forum: Caring for the Stranger in a Foreign Land
Sunday, April 27 · 5 pm Potluck Dinner with Guest Speaker Jose Davila

Jose Davila works as an immigration paralegal at the Southwest Detroit Immigrant and Refugee Center (SWIRC) assisting individuals navigating complex legal systems. Davila’s work has reinforced his commitment to use law as a tool for equity, health, and human rights. SWIRC was founded in 2014 and provides low–cost to free legal services to those in the Detroit area who need them most–particularly those who are recent immigrants and asylum seekers. SWIRC is the only legal clinic in Southeast Michigan that welcomes all, regardless of their legal issue or residency status, and works on all legal issues clients bring. 

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