October 6, 2021
Message from your PNC:
Click on the photo of each PNC member to learn more about them
The Mission Study Team completed several studies relating to Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. These studies included demographics of the church, the Grosse Pointes, and the surrounding community, a survey of community leaders, a survey of the GPMC congregation, and conversations with the GPMC congregation.
With this report, our hope is to challenge and inspire the reader to be a part of God’s plan for Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. We wish to give special thanks to our program staff and to the many members of the church and our community who gave of their time and thought during interviews. We are also grateful to our families for giving us the space and time to do this work. Lastly, we want to recognize our larger family, the congregation, for joining us in prayer, study, and conversation. We are grateful to all of you.
It is with humility and gratitude to God that we present this report.